Fabricant de pièces d'emboutissage en caoutchouc, silicone, plastique et métal à froid.
Chez YEGLES INNOVATION TECHNOLGIES. Nous sommes fabricants de caoutchouc, pièces en silicone, injection plastique, usinage plastique technique, estampage à froid, fabrication de joints toriques, fabricant de silicone médical en salle blanche.
YEGLES est certifié selon la norme ISO 9001 :2015, ce qui nous permet de répondre à ses exigences les plus strictes.

Manufacturer of rubber, silicone and metal stamping parts and rubber-metal parts for the most demanding sectors. Thanks to the implementation of artificial vision controls and intelligent automation systems, we obtain a product with optimal quality and maximum production performance, guaranteeing that all of our products pass the most exhaustive quality controls.
YEGLES is at the forefront of new technologies, implementing artificial vision systems, laser measurements, 3D scanners and thermography to increase the quality of our processes and guarantee that 100% of our products have the quality required by our customers.
Rubber and processes
We have a wide range of mixtures to manufacture rubber parts capable of satisfying the needs of the most demanding customer.
We incorporate different types of rubber: natural, chloroprene, nitrile, fluoroelastomers, EPDMs, silicones, fluorosilicones, etc. with a wide range of properties: hardness, rigidity, resilience, impact, fire, insulation, environmental agents, chemical reagents, oils, etc. that allows us to meet the demands of any sector: railway, automotive, aerospace, food, etc.
YEGLES chooses the best suppliers in the sector and acquires rubber mixtures under precise technical specifications for its production processes.
Our range of mixtures is constantly enriched in order to meet both the requirements of our clients in new projects and the environmental requirements, to which YEGLES is absolutely committed. All mixtures that enter production undergo strict controls that ensure their quality and performance during our production process and for the entire useful life of the part.
Service and flexibility
Our size allows us to respond flexibly to each order and produce both large series and small batches with the same involvement and compliance with deadlines.
YEGLES takes advantage of its professionalism, its constant innovation and an agile production structure to integrate rubber and rubber-metal elements into the most advanced transport systems, machinery, structures, etc.
As specialists in vibration control and damping systems, we help to make transport a comfortable experience for users and an appropriate means for shipping goods over medium and long distances. We improve the stability and life of machines and structures. We reduce noise and vibrations to adapt to current legislation.
Our diversity in machinery, the versatility of our employees and the adaptability of our facilities for different processes allows us the flexibility to produce from large series to small batches, adjusting to the client's deadlines.
Chemistry, Engineering and R&D&I
We have accumulated and developed a rich know-how through the systematic work of our technical staff and through R&D projects carried out with research centres and universities, developing products with high technological value.
We have a highly qualified and motivated team that makes our ambitious business goals a reality today. The high willingness and important contributions of our team have been key in the consolidation of YEGLES in all its markets.
Our vocation for the constant incorporation of new technologies allows us to improve our production and control systems, guaranteeing the reliability of our products and generating great satisfaction in all our clients.
The involvement of YEGLES in all processes, from the development of materials, through the design of the tooling to the delivery of the first samples and finally the consolidation of serial production gives us a high level of success in all our projects.
1. Rubber vulcanization, rubber molding, by rubber injection, rubber compression and rubber transfer
2. Cold metal stamping by progressive die and blow by blow.
3. We are manufacturers of standard and special custom O-rings
4. Manufacturer of silicone parts, by silicone injection, silicone compression and silicone transfer
5. Flat rubber and silicone die-cut gaskets as well as cardboard gaskets for hydraulics.
6. Machining of technical plastics
7. Manufacturing of food-grade rubber
8. Manufacturing of molded silicone parts in a clean room for pharmaceutical-grade sanitary products.
9. Molding of rubber and silicone parts up to 2000mmx2000mm of LARGE DIMENSIONS
10. Rubber road joints
11. Manufacturing of silicone electrical insulators.
12. Structural rubber supports for bridges and others.
13. Manufacturing of rubber-metal parts
14. Sintering of technical plastics.
15. Presses for the manufacture of rubber parts up to 2000x2000mm
16. Plastic injection
17. Milling, lathe machining and wire and penetration EDM
18. Manufacturing of plastic injection moulds